IMPORTANT INFORMATION - ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS The authorities, began supervising of Karaoke shows. The goal is to combat piracy, which is still very common in this activity, seriously affecting musicians working legally, authors and producers. It is very common in performances some people use Video Karaoke, Mp3 Backing Tracks, etc., without having any evidence that they were legally acquired. Usually these music files were copied by friends, downloaded from the net, bought in piracy, etc. WHAT HAS CHANGED NOW? Any musical base, Video Karaoke, Mp3 Backing Tracks, etc, lacks necessarily a legality certificate issued by the producing company. Only this certificate makes cool musical bases used in spectacles., is now obliged to pass this certificate of legality to its customers. It is this certificate that proves the legal purchase of products and the copyright payment. For each purchase in, the customer receives a Legality Certificate which must then print and enclose with the Video Karaoke or Mp3 Backing Tracks. The authorities require that any Video Karaoke or Mp3, must be described in Legality Certificate. To exhibit karaoke in public spaces, you must obtain from the entities ( PASSMÚSICA | SPA | IGAC) the appropriate licenses for Public Performance. only be liable for securities listed on Legality Certificate, so seriously advise you to be not show any other title which no proper Legality Certificate. When working with Video Karaokes or Mp3 Backing Tracks assigned by friends, removed from the net or purchased without a certificate, it risks seriously getting your stuff seized in a show and to end his earlier performance, and then accountable to justice! welcomes these measures taken by the supervisory authorities will benefit because all the musicians who work with legal and products that were being harmed by others who resorted to Video Karaokes and pirates Mp3 Backing Tracks, causing unfair competition. EUROPE COUNTRIES - INSPECTION Countries like Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Spain, etc, all are now working in partnership, governed by the same anti-piracy laws. The Legality certificates are required now to all companies producing musical bases, whether Portuguese or European. Is acquired Video Karaoke, MP3 Backing Tracks, etc., to any other company in Europe, requires ever pass her Legality certificates because the authorities will ask them to him during an inspection. VARIOUS ENTITIES AUDIT IN EUROPE SWITZERLAND SUISA – COOPÉRATIVE DES AUTEURS ET EDITEURS DE MUSIQUE Web: Police Cantonale - Is this entity that police in collaboration with the SSA and SUISA, oversee Bars, Restaurants, Live Performances, public enclosures, etc., in the cantonal area to which it belongs. FRANCE SACEM - Société
des Auteurs,Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique --------Web: Police Nationale - Is this entity that police in collaboration with the SACEM, SCAM and others oversee Bars, Restaurants, Live Performances, Public Venues, etc. LUXEMBOURG SACEM - Société des Auteurs,Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique --------Web: Police Grand-Ducale-
This is police Entity in collaboration with Sacem, supervise, Bars, Restaurants, Live Performances, etc etc.
Belge - Is one of the Entities Policewomen in collaboration with SABAM and SOFAM, supervise, Bars, Restaurants, Live Performances, public places, etc. GERMANY GEMA In Germany there are various police agencies that oversee public venues.
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